Why I Stopped Watching The Vampire Diaries


After four seasons, I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I stopped watching The Vampire Diaries. My teenage daughter first introduced me to it, and I admit the chemistry and magnetism of the male leading characters—Damon and Stefan—perked up my estrogen level and kept me glued for four seasons. But unfortunately the unimaginative and repetitive story line sapped the loyalty right out of me.

The biggest issue: ELENA. While the actress, Nina Dobrev is beautiful and talented etc. her character, Elena has spent too much being possessed by other characters. Elena is a doppelganger to the evil vampire Katerina Petrova aka Katherine Pierce. If that wasn’t hard enough to follow, Elena repeatedly pretends to be Katherine and vice versa. Katherine takes over Elena’s body, Elena takes over Katherine’s body. At the end of season four, the writers introduce a new character and guess who she is…another doppelganger of Elena, but wait! She’s the original and everyone else is a copy of her.


All of that on top of the bed hopping Elena goes through by first loving Stephan, then loving Damon, but lately she’s had sexual dreams about—wait for it—Stephan because that is who she is really meant to be with. Yet, she is determined to stick it out with Damon.


Stick a fork in me… I am done. I’ve erased my old episodes off my DVR and cancelled further recordings. I wish the world of Mystic Falls all my best. I’m watching The Originals, the first spin-off from Vampire Diaries…that is until a doppelganger appears.

4 thoughts on “Why I Stopped Watching The Vampire Diaries

  • I agree with everything you said! I wish all incarnations of Elena would be killed off the show. LOL! I still watch it with my daughter, but have lost interest. Even Damon has been neutered lately… I do like the Originals. It’s the adult version of Vampire Diaries. And I LOVE Arrow!

  • Tmonique… I am so with you on this!!!
    In fact they started to loose me at the end of the 3rd season.
    Elena jumping to so many, then stephen too
    The real season I enjoyed was with the Originals (I fear that they also loose their originality with the witches and wolves)
    It is sad because I love Damon/Ian but it bores me now… same old same old.

    • You get one bed hopping session, then it is just nasty. I just couldn’t watch it anymore. The writers should be ashamed of themselves, not for the bed hopping, but for the bad writing.

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